Centzon totochtínová tequila


Oct 05, 2017 · The holes are inhabited by the Centzon Totochtin (AKA The 400 Rabbits) on a part-time basis. These rabbit gods live a sedate and sober life when they are in the spirit world, but when they come to the desert they suckle mezcal from Mayatl’s bosom and rampage around creating havoc.

Type. 30. Duration. Reduces movement speed by 10%. Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%. Welcome to the world of artisanal tequila.

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Club soda + Ice. About 1 tbsp of cane sugar. INSTRUCTIONS Fill an 8-ounce glass with ice, add Atzo's Dream Tequila, grapefruit juice and lime juice. Top off with club soda. Sweeten to taste. 10/5/2017 4/2/2017 Notably, the “Centzon Totochtin” is a folk story that tells the legend of Mayahuel, the goddess of the agave plant, and Patecatl, the god of Pulque, whose union produced 400 mischievous rabbits with a taste for good company, good spirits and good times. This fable is the inspiration behind Mijenta’s logo. 6/10/2018 A drink in fact derived from a plant, the agave, which has its own goddess and pantheon of drinking gods (“Centzon Totochtin” 2015).

Welcome to the world of artisanal tequila. Once upon a time, Tezcatzontecatl — nicknamed Atzo — was the Aztec god of pulque. Primarily, he supplied an endless parade of drinks to the Centzon Totochtin: four hundred rabbits known for their rambunctious ways.

Sep 03, 2020 · Notably, the "Centzon Totochtin" is a folk story that tells the legend of Mayahuel, the goddess of the agave plant, and Patecatl, the god of Pulque, whose union produced 400 mischievous rabbits Centzon Totochtin. Tequila with no equal. Common; 0.2 €$ 30.

May 13, 2015 · Actually very little is known about this member of the Centzon Totochtin, just that he was often referred to as ‘The Winged One’. So every experienced drinker can tell you that this was probably the God of one of the earlier stages of intoxication. Tequechmecauiani – God of Hanging Yep, you read it right.

Centzon totochtínová tequila

If you have a second, go through it. It's quite nice. Jun 10, 2018 · Tequila’s earliest recorded ancestor was pulque, a beverage made from the fermented sap of agave plants by the Aztecs as early as 1,000 BCE in honor of the god of pulque, Patecatl. In fact, the fermentation of various varieties of agave plant was a common practice firmly established during the pre-Hispanic period. Sep 03, 2020 · Notably, the “Centzon Totochtin” is a folk story that tells the legend of Mayahuel, the goddess of the agave plant, and Patecatl, the god of Pulque, whose union produced 400 mischievous rabbits with a taste for good company, good spirits and good times. This fable is the inspiration behind Mijenta’s logo.

Who knew you could learn so much from alcohol? Use these fun facts to drop some knowledge on your friends and spark an epic night with a shot of Jose Cuervo. ¡Viva tequila!

Centzon totochtínová tequila

Los mejores destilados de agave 100% artesanales elaborados por auténticos maestros mezcaleros de las diferentes regiones Godchecker guide to Centzon Totochtin (also known as Drunken-Rabbits), the Aztec God of Drunkenness from Aztec mythology. The Four Hundred Drunken Rabbit Gods THE “CENTZON TOTOCHTIN” IS A FOLK STORY THAT TELLS THE LEGEND OF MAYAHUEL, THE GODDESS OF THE AGAVE PLANT, AND PATECATL, THE GOD OF PULQUE, WHOSE UNION PRODUCED 400 MISCHIEVOUS RABBITS WITH A TASTE FOR GOOD COMPANY, GOOD SPIRITS AND GOOD TIMES. OUR TEQUILA, LIKE ALL GOOD THINGS IN LIFE, IS MEANT TO BE SHARED. Sep 03, 2020 · Notably, the "Centzon Totochtin" is a folk story that tells the legend of Mayahuel, the goddess of the agave plant, and Patecatl, the god of Pulque, whose union produced 400 mischievous rabbits Centzon Totochtin.

They were the liveliest, most partying, agave lovin’, drunken rabbits you’ll ever know. Think of Lindsay Lohan as a fluffy, fuzzy, cuddly little fur ball! As we all know, mezcal is growing in popularity, and with that, the legend of the 400 Rabbits is growing too. A drink in fact derived from a plant, the agave, which has its own goddess and pantheon of drinking gods (“Centzon Totochtin” 2015). Over the past 400 years tequila has become a symbol of Mexican nationality, pride and culture throughout the modern world (Chadwick). But as Shakespeare would say, aye, there’s the rub, it’s modern. Mayahuel fed her little 'rabbits' pulque, the fermented sap of the agave from her 400 breasts, which apparently made the 'Centzon Totochtin', otherwise known as the 400 Rabbits, very rowdy and happy.

Centzon totochtínová tequila

The pulque made the Centzon Totochtin (“the 400 Rabbits”) happy. They were the liveliest, most partying, agave lovin’, drunken rabbits you’ll ever know. May 13, 2015 · Actually very little is known about this member of the Centzon Totochtin, just that he was often referred to as ‘The Winged One’. So every experienced drinker can tell you that this was probably the God of one of the earlier stages of intoxication.

It is however certain and to the surprise of many people that pulque was the national drink of Mexico, long before tequila ever moved into the spotlight. Money that we could also spend on booze. The temple of Kukulkan. A drawing of Tezcatzoncatl, God of the Drunkards and one of the 400 Drunken Rabbits.

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Centzon Totochtin. Tequila with no equal. Common; 0.2 €$ 30. Consumable. Type. 30. Duration. Reduces movement speed by 10%. Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.

But… I’m not sure yet.