C-explorer 3 ponorné
Bringing you so much closer to an intimate submarine experience is the C-Explorer 3 Submersible from U-Boat Worx. Able to cruise at 1000 meters below the surface, this incredible vehicle features a 360-degree acrylic pressure hull with top hatch allowing for breathtaking panoramic views, with operating endurance able to reach the 16-hour mark.
U-Boat Worx, renown creators of technologically advanced submersibles, have launched their latest "toy , the awesome C-Explorer 3. Featuring incomparable safety features, unparalleled viewing( thanks to a full 360-degree acrylic human pressure vessel, giving all 3 passengers the best unobstructed view possible), state of the art batteries together with leading edge control and operating The C-Explorer 3 has an integrated USBL tracking system that will provide real-time position data to the surface tracking station. Description Sitting behind the controls of the C-Explorer 3 is the most thrilling adventure anyone could ever imagine. Witnessing the underwater life at first hand with the C-Explorer 3 up to a depth of 300 meters with a 360° panoramic view can only be described as “Out of this world”. C-Explorer 3 Underwater exploration has been booming in the last decade and it is time for you to join the fun. Look no further because we got you. Now with the most capable submarine in the market, you can take underwater exploration to a whole different level.
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Kalové odstředivé čerpadlo PS15 3 980 Kč Ponorné čerpadlá. sú čerpadlá, ktorých konstrukčné usporiadanie dovoľuje, aby bolo pri čerpaní umiestnené pod hladinou čerpanej tekutiny. Umožňujú pohodlné a úsporné celoročné riešenie čerpania pitnej, alebo úžitkovej vody a rôznych druhov kvapalín i z veľkých hĺbok, napr. z hlbinných studní. Еще один аппарат C-Quester 3 и аппарат C-Explorer 5 используются РГО с судна-килектора "Александр Пушкин" проекта 141 Балтийского флота ВМФ России.
The C-Explorer 3 Submersible, a full 360-degree acrylic pressure hull vessel, offers a unique around view to the 3 passengers, at 1,000 meters depth. Exploration, salvage, archeology, biology, inspection, maintenance, filming. Optional equipment is ready to fit your needs: the C-Explorers can carry tools that allow scientists to work.
the most awe-inspiring adventures anyone could imagine. Witnessing underwater life first hand with a C-Explorer submarine C-Explorer 3 C-Explorer 5 When designing the C-Explorer series, U-Boat Worx followed these key guidelines: safety, performance, comfort and visibility, meaning our subs provide the ultimate way to successfully explore the ocean. U-Boat Worx, renown creators of technologically advanced submersibles, have launched their latest "toy , the awesome C-Explorer 3.
U-Boat Worx, renown creators of technologically advanced submersibles, have launched their latest "toy , the awesome C-Explorer 3. Featuring incomparable safety features, unparalleled viewing( thanks to a full 360-degree acrylic human pressure vessel, giving all 3 passengers the best unobstructed view possible), state of the art batteries together with leading edge control and operating
Vyberajte z 138 inzerátov. Predajte ľahko a rýchlo na Bazoš.sk. Cez 400 tisíc užívateľov za deň. Nájdite čo potrebujete vo Vašej kategórii. Umožňují částečně plošné sání až do 3 mm, jednoduché vyčerpání a přečerpání vody z bazénu, rybníku, cisterny a barelu na dešťovou vodu a zatopených sklepů i například odebrání vody z jezer, Ponorné čerpadlo na čistou vodu SUB 10000 DS Comfort Explorer 3 was launched in conjunction with the International Geophysical Year (IGY) by the U.S. Army (Ordnance) into an eccentric orbit.The objective of this spacecraft was a continuation of experiments started with Explorer 1.
Optional equipment is ready to fit your needs: the C-Explorers can carry tools that allow scientists to work. HD cameras, high-intensity lights, magnetometers, bottom Ponorné čerpadlá do studní. Ponorné čerpadlá do studne môžu byť použité aj ako záhradné čerpadlá. Čepadlo do studne svojou konštrukciou umožnuje čerpanie vody … The C-Explorer 3 exploring the depths of the ocean. This amazing subsea vehicle offers 3 seats and brings its occupants to depths of up to 300 meter in air-c 27.06.2019 U-Boat Worx offers two versions of the C-Explorer 3: a basic, $2.4 million edition that can dive to 1,000 feet and a $3 million version that can reach a depth of 3,300 feet. The Mail on Sunday's Frank Barrett stepped aboard a cruise on the yacht-sized Crystal Esprit, and took a spin in its C-Explorer 3 mini-submarine as they sailed through the Dalmatia region of Croatia. Find out all of the information about the U-Boat Worx B.V. product: private submarine C-EXPLORER 3.
300M. Explore the . Unexplored. Sitting behind the controls of a C-Explorer submersible is among .
C-Explorer 3 Submersible by U-Boat Worx Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "C-Explorer 3 - Ambiance Close up". For International Sun/Earth Explorer 3 (ISEE-3) satellite, see International Cometary Explorer. Explorer 3 (Harvard designation 1958 Gamma) was an artificial satellite of the Earth, nearly identical to the first United States artificial satellite Explorer 1 in its design and mission. It was the second successful launch in the Explorers Program. Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States and was part of the U.S. participation in the International Geophysical Year (IGY). The mission followed the first two satellites the previous year; the Soviet Union's Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2, beginning the Cold War Space Race between the two nations. Thanks for the comment.
With room for a pilot and two guests and a clear acrylic bubble with 360-degree visibility, this technological wonder can dive up to 300 meters and has become one of the most coveted watertoys in the market. 26.08.2015 The C-Explorer 3 Submersible, a full 360-degree acrylic pressure hull vessel, offers a unique around view to the 3 passengers, at 1,000 meters depth.. Exploration, salvage, archeology, biology, inspection, maintenance, filming. Optional equipment is ready to fit your needs: the C-Explorers can carry tools that allow scientists to work. HD cameras, high-intensity lights, magnetometers, bottom Ponorné čerpadlá do studní. Ponorné čerpadlá do studne môžu byť použité aj ako záhradné čerpadlá.
C-Explorer 3. 360 degrees view - C-Explorer 5 Witnessing underwater life first hand with a C- Explorer submarine with its 360° panoramic view C-Explorer 3; C-Explorer 5. Jan 2, 2014 Erik Hasselman bobs on the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Malta, protected by a clear acrylic sphere.
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Amongst the array of stunning vessels on display at the Monaco Yacht Show in September was a new submersible created by Dutch submarine manufacturer U-Boat…
Condition: New product. Tap or hover to zoom .