Amd hd 7990


AMD im Interview zur Radeon HD 7990 und zu Mikrorucklern - ComputerBase Die sollen nicht labern sondern machen. Zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.04.2013. Powerplay Legende. Mitglied seit 19.08.2005

Видеокарта 6Gb GDDR5 Sapphire (RTL) DVI+4xminiDP+Crossfire ✓6 Гб  НИКС Сравнение характеристик, тесты Radeon HD 7990. 24 апр 2013 AMD Radeon HD 7990 — один из самых мощных на сегодня ускорителей 3D- графики игрового класса, успешно конкурирующий с  AMD начала продажи Radeon HD 7990 24 апреля 2013 по рекомендованной цене 999$. Это десктопная видеокарта на архитектуре GCN 1.0 и  Если два года назад, тестируя HD 6990 и GTX 590, мы жаловались на космические 19 800 рублей, то сегодня это число увеличилось до официальных  24 Apr 2013 The 7990 is a PowerTune Boost part like the 7970GE it's based on, giving the card a base clockspeed of 950MHz, and a boost clock of 1000MHz. На сегодняшний день все это меняется - новый официальный Radeon HD 7990 призван конкурировать с GTX 690 и GTX Titan по цене $ 1000. Дизайн и   Недавно компания AMD представила игровую видеокарту на базе двух графических процессоров Tahiti – AMD Radeon HD 7990. Как правило, первыми  17 апр 2013 На онлайн-аукционе eBay замечен интересный лот — инженерный семпл видеокарты Radeon HD 7990 (Malta) референсного дизайна.

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AMD Radeon HD 8990 (OEM) 4.9. Check Prices $999.00 . 0% 4.9. Check Prices $999.00. Select any two GPUs for comparison VS. Gaming Performance Comparison . Recommended AMD Radeon HD 7970.

24 Apr 2013 Spec-wise, the Radeon HD 7990 is a pair of Radeon 7970 GPUs (codename: Tahiti) on the same slab of silicon. Each GPU contains 2,048 

The range of scores (95th - 5th percentile) for the AMD HD 7990 (CrossFire Disabled) is just 9.41%. This is an extremely narrow range which indicates that the AMD HD 7990 (CrossFire Disabled) performs superbly consistently under varying real world conditions. By 'utilitarian purposes' I assume AMD mean that the Radeon HD 7990 isn't just a graphics card for people wanting the outright fastest performance, but for people wanting the ultimate experience. Feedback Revolutionize your gaming experience with the PowerColor AX7990 VGA card.

AMD Radeon HD 7990. TD RADEON 7990 950M BOOST 1000M 6GB D5 4XmDP DVI. 950MHz Boost 1000MHz. 384 bit x 2, 6.0 GHz, XFX 750W PSU Product information

Amd hd 7990

TMUs 128 x2. ROPs 32 x2.

The GPU core is clocked at 1000MHz, 8% higher than the HD 7970, while AMD Radeon HD 7990. TD RADEON 7990 950M BOOST 1000M 6GB D5 4XmDP DVI. 950MHz Boost 1000MHz. 384 bit x 2, 6.0 GHz, XFX 750W PSU Product information Diving right into the thick of things, like the officially unofficial cards before it, AMD’s 7990 is a dual-Tahiti part, placing two of AMD’s flagship GPUs on a single PCB to make a single card. The range of scores (95th - 5th percentile) for the AMD HD 7990 (CrossFire Disabled) is just 9.41%. This is an extremely narrow range which indicates that the AMD HD 7990 (CrossFire Disabled) performs superbly consistently under varying real world conditions. By 'utilitarian purposes' I assume AMD mean that the Radeon HD 7990 isn't just a graphics card for people wanting the outright fastest performance, but for people wanting the ultimate experience.

Amd hd 7990

Can it dethrone the GTX 690? The Radeon HD 7990 by AMD, Inc. is a robust, yet silent graphics card that facilitates high-resolution or multiple-monitor gaming. Equipped with features and   AMD Radeon HD 7990, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB. Цена, ₽ 65,524.4, ₽ 11,150.3, 54374.1 (83%). Год, 2013, 2016, 3 (0%). Максимальная записанная  23 May 2013 The 7990 is a PCI-E 3.0 16x card, naturally, making full use of your gaming motherboard's most capacious expansion slot. It requires two 8-pin  24 Apr 2013 We've seen plenty of the Radeon HD 7990 in action with Battlefield 4, but it's taken AMD a little while to furnish us with full specs and pricing for  28 Apr 2013 The “long” frame times on the 7990 reach to 70 ms and beyond—the equivalent of 14 FPS—while the shorter frame times in FCAT are well under  Price and performance details for the Radeon HD 7990 can be found below. 17 Minute Battlefield 4 Gameplay Video: 7990 Video Card Deta AMD im Interview zur Radeon HD 7990 und zu Mikrorucklern - ComputerBase Die sollen nicht labern sondern machen. Zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.04.2013. Powerplay Legende. Mitglied seit 19.08.2005 24.04.2013 Die Radeon HD 7990 von AMD hat bereits eine lange Geschichte hinter sich. Ursprünglich hat der Chipspezialist AMD die Multi-GPU- Grafikkarte, die auf zwei Tahiti-GPUs basiert, für eine Präsentation 24.04.2013 AMD Radeon HD 7990: Stromzufuhr. Zwangsversorgung: Die 7990 braucht zusätzlichen Strom.

Amd hd 7990

Proper dual 8 pin power, 750 watt PSU. Windows 10 fully updated DXDIAG reports no problems Radeon software version 19.4.1. Pretty fresh install of 10. Brand new install of 7990, never previously used this card on any pc. crossfire settings aren't showing up anywhere, and when I try to run either 26.04.2013 24.04.2013 Die AMD Radeon HD 7990 hat es nun endlich in unser Testlabor geschafft. Wir klären, ob es AMD gelungen ist, die Nvidia Geforce GTX 690 zu schlagen und sich den Grafik-Thron zurück zu holen. AMD hat der Radeon HD 7990 in seinen Benchmarks die GTX 690, dem aktuellen Steckenpferd von Nvidia, gegenübergestellt. Dabei überragte der “rote Teufel” in allen Spieleandwendungen die GTX 690 um mehrere FPS. Auch in Sachen Geräuschentwicklung kann die Radeon-Grafikkarte punkten.

Pretty fresh install of 10. Brand new install of 7990, never previously used this card on any pc. crossfire settings aren't showing up anywhere, and when I try to run either 26.04.2013 24.04.2013 Die AMD Radeon HD 7990 hat es nun endlich in unser Testlabor geschafft.

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The Radeon HD 7990 was an enthusiast-class graphics card by AMD, launched in April 2013. Built on the 28 nm process, and based on the Malta graphics processor, in its Malta XT variant, the card supports DirectX 12. Even though it supports DirectX 12, the feature level is only 11_1, which can be problematic with newer DirectX 12 titles.

Select any two GPUs for comparison VS. Gaming Performance Comparison .